Financial Decision Partners offers comprehensive and objective financial planning and investment services. We partner to assist you to provide vision, service, and pathways in the following areas.
Investment Management
Construction, implementation, and ongoing management and reporting of your investment portfolio to secure appropriate risk-based returns
Retirement Planning
Develop plans for projection of future cash flows and net worth during your retirement, analyze your distribution alternatives, consolidate your retirement accounts for better management, and provide recommendations for your pension optimization
Budget Analysis
Determine your sustainable portfolio withdrawal rates, introduce your tax-advantaged distribution strategies, and analyze your current versus future lifestyle sustainability
Benefits Evaluation
Analyze comparison of health and disability insurance coverage alternatives, and evaluate your deferred retirement plan opportunities
Income Tax Planning
Harvest tax losses by generating your securities basis reports, maximize your itemized deductions, and coordination with your accountants
Estate Planning
Consult with you regarding asset protection and gifting strategies, coordination with attorneys for wills and trust preparation, and plan minimization of estate taxes
Special Needs Planning
Assist you with in the financial planning for family members with special needs considerations to plan and protect social services benefits of Social Security and Medicare, coordinate with attorneys for legal document preparation, and plan for funding Special Needs Trusts
Insurance Evaluation
Discuss and evaluate your insurable needs and existing coverage, compare your current insurance policies with alternatives, and seek your appropriate, most cost-effective insurance in market